Archive for February, 2022

Burning Fat Through Pilates

February 11th, 2022

We commonly call it ‘aerobic exercise’. Cardio or cardiovascular workout refers to a form of physical activity that elevates your heart rate for a certain period of time. The traditional cardio exercises consist of running, jogging, walking, swimming and biking – anything that involves fast-phase routine. Pilates on the other hand is consists of stretching and strength-training. While Pilates isn’t considered a cardio exercise, it can be incorporated with various workout programs that can boost your body’s fat-burning abilities. We call it Pilates cardio workout.

Pilates Cardio Workout
By targeting the larger muscles, Pilates can be used to build your stamina and strength which will help you succeed in your cardio workout routines. There are some Pilates bodywork techniques that can be used to raise the heart rate, turning it to a cardio program. What are the benefits of a cardiovascular exercise?

• It strengthens your heart. The irregular heartbeat stimulates the influx of blood which is needed to carry the oxygen to all parts of the body. This also unclogs the veins which improves blood circulation.

• It improves metabolism. A Pilates cardio workout promotes thermogenesis effect which in turn boosts metabolism. At the same time, Pilates Workout helps burn calories which are a great factor in losing weight.

• It reduces stress. Stress will not only make you fat but will also make your body vulnerable to various health problems. Exercising through workout stimulates the brain in producing ‘feel good’ chemicals which enhances the mood and gives a person an overall improvement in their sense of well-being.

• It heightens energy. Do you always feel tired and sleepy even during mornings when you’re supposed to be full of energy and enthusiasm? If yes, you should really try Pilates. Exercising balances your blood sugar level which keeps your energy intact.

• It promotes good health. Pilates mixed with cardio workout is one way to reach optimal health condition. It strengthens your muscles, bones, and other organs in your body. With improved blood circulation, you allow the nutrients and minerals from the food you eat to reach all parts of your body.

But don’t get too excited. Before deciding to enroll in a Pilates workout, make sure to consult your doctor. If you have a weak heart, you might suffer from serious complications. A specialized workout routine is essential for those wh